Summer Camps serving Cobleskill, NY
You can register online using the links below. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 518-823-4371 or contact us via email on our contact page.
Please read the following, because it's important. Each year, we tirelessly challenge ourselves to put forth the most awesome camp in the Capital Region. Our weekly themes were carefully curated to maximize the enjoyment of your child. We've added some new themes, and reimagined popular themes from past years. We're going to have a blast.
In listening to feedback from parents, we heard three requests over and over: to make it fun for their children, make it affordable, and make sure everyone is safe. Consider all three done.
Below, you will find our summer camp brochure. It is the same brochure as presented in the gym, just edited to be presented digitally. You'll also find our registration tables, as well as a FAQ section that complements the information found in the brochure.
And please, if you have any questions, want to chat about camp, or have something else on your mind, a link to our email form is atop this page, and our phone number is at the top and bottom.
Here are our most frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, head on over to our contact page, which contains all of our contact information.
How is camp structured? Each day, we will have gymnastics lesson time, where campers will be split based on ability, with each child having goals to work on throughout the week. In addition to lesson time, we will have craft time, snack time, fun/play time...all centered around that week's theme.
What are the age requirements for camp? Please refer to the flyer above for age requirements.
Is there a deposit required to hold my child's spot and what methods of payment are accepted? Yes, a $100 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of registration. We encourage families to pay via credit/debit card or check.
Talk to me about lunch/snacks for full day campers. Why of course! Full day campers bring lunch from home Monday through Thursday. On Friday, we throw them a pizza party. Each day we take 2 snack breaks (1 in the AM and 1 in the PM). So please send a couple snacks in each day with your camper (both 1/2 day campers and full day campers will need snacks!).
When is full payment due? Full payment is due on the Monday leading up to the month you are enrolled for (6/30 and 7/28).
In terms of time, how do the half day camps run? AM is 9AM-12PM and PM is 1PM-4PM. On Fridays, those registered for AM or PM camp are invited to lunch (pizza!) with full day campers.
Do you offer a sibling discount? Of course we do! It is 10%. The sibling must be a sibling. If it is another camper on the same account, but NOT a sibling, the discount will NOT apply.
Is the tuition for summer camp tax deductible? Please check with your accountant or tax preparer, as every family's tax situation is unique.
What is your refund policy on paid weeks of camp? If there is a medical emergency, accompanied by a doctor's note, we would be more than happy to issue a refund. We will not issue a refund under any other circumstances.